We are planning an exciting Vacation Bible School (VBS) to be held August 6, 7, and 8! It begins each day at 5:30 pm with a meal and ends at 8pm.
Children that are age 3 through 6th grade are invited to join us at Peace UCC, 1756 Dixon St., for a safe, friendly, and fun experience. Older children are welcome to come and assist.
Over these days we will explore the Bible and discover new ways to care for God’s creation and for one another. We have all been given the power to heal, forgive, and pray. At Operation Restoration, your kids will learn more about their mending powers.
Background checked and trained adults from both Peace UCC and Frame Memorial Presbyterian Church will be involved in the event.
Go here to register by July 17
We look forward to seeing you on August 6 at Operation Restoration!
Pastor Micah (Peace United Church of Christ)
Pastor Ashley (Frame Memorial PC)